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2000-09-01��jump, little social life

Yes, it's true that my extracurricular activities don't interfere with my concert-going, being that I don't have any. It's never been my thing. And my job is a morning thing. I also live at home and go to a, shall we say, crappier school. So it's less complicated for me than it is for Adia.

Still and all, I have to say that the Jump, Little Children gestalt has been a great boon to me. Every stress I've suffered in regards to it has been worth it. It's done wonders for my social life and self-esteem, not to sound too after school specially. I mean, I don't know how durable these friendships will prove over time, but they've been great so far.

At the same time I don't base my entire personality on it like some I could name. ;) I can put it in perspective, but damn it's fun, so why not enjoy it while you can. I must say I am grateful that fate is saving me from myself by only having a short tour early in the school year, and not one until practically the end of next semester. It *is* my senior year after all. I'll feel rueful about it after the touring's done, but I'm sure it will all work out.

I know there's a lot about Jump in my diaryland. Tough shit if you don't like it. Write about what you know, they say. Besides I don't really have time to get into anything else, since I'm going home soon and then I'm going to clean up for Olivia.

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