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2000-09-06��taking credit for the weather

YES! YES! WOO! Victory is mine! It's been in the 60s all day! It's fucking cold, dude! The long wait will soon be over. The death knells (nells?) (what?) of summer will soon sound.

I've been looking at the webpages of the various little Yankee teenagers who are absolutely beside themselves about Dockstreet and have been for months. I wish those girls would not have their fonts so tiny. Their pages all look alike too, but I think that's part of the same webpage system they're in. The pages are pretty nicely crafted, though. I wonder how easily they'll get tickets. Speaking of getting tickets I have to call in the Athens tickets today.

I was afraid somebody would blast me on Opium for mentioning the sexual atmosphere at the Asheville show. But people, there SO was a pervasive feeling of sexsexsex, and it SO was not just me who was noticing.

I have Film Theory class next, and it is the most boring class in the world since the beginning of time. Some of it is interesting, but tangentally, and it is a challenge not to fall asleep in that class. I'm nodding off just thinking about itzzzzzz.

Nicole said that she likes to get her schoolwork out of the way in the week before a show so as not to have worries. I really need to do that. I've been using the mental scrambledness of the past weekend as an excuse to indulge myself and put work aside. As I told Jasmine and Olivia, Jump, Little Children are bad for any sense of discipline I might have. (And then I said, "Heh. Discipline. Shut up, Anne.") I like to avoid work enough as it is.

I really think Olivia, Jasmine and I should all be at the Athens show, but I think a lot of things.

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