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2000-10-16��atlanta show summing up

I wrote another entry today, so look in the archives.

I'm going to divide the Atlanta show into four categories: Good Things, Bad Things, Things Neither Good Nor Bad, and Things Both Good and Bad in Horrific Simultaneity.

Good Things:

New songs.

The chocolate I brought.

Jay just outright hugging me after the show; I think this was because I had my arm around Shannon and that excited him or something. Jay has been nice to me the past few shows.

Being able to see well over everyone's heads.

Ward playing studiously on stage with Cha's monkey doll, appropriately named Jonny, at one point stuffing it into his mouth.

The Ho Girls having to buy tickets when they thought they were on the guest list.

Meeting Ann, Rebecca and Evelyn at the show.

Seeing my old friends.

Watching Evan and later Jay play Big Booty.

Matt first thing to me: "We're gonna miss you on Monday."

The "Jump, Little Children" solos, including Mike Winger, and Julie-O, and The Thermos Song.

The ice cream remark.

No "Opium."

Ann saying how much she liked my page.

Bad Things:

Julie not being able to go to the show.

Vance trying to throw me out of soundcheck. It wasn't as bad as it sounds.


No acoustic "Where She Lies." I know, I'm an ungrateful bitch. :)

Having a headache during the show.

What happened to Michelle?

Things Neither Good Nor Bad:

Jonny's grim determination that someone show their breasts outside after the show.

Ward and Jonny talking about nakedness.

Jonny hugging me too.

Things Both Good and Bad in Horrific Simultaneity:

No Scrabble. Fucking Scrabble, I hope I never hear that ur-word again. :)

Ward and I arguing over chocolate. "Why would I do that?"

Ward's first thing he said to me being, asking me what my Indian friend's name was again. Believe me, I am ashamed in thinking of this as partially a bad thing.

Jonny saying about breasts, "It's not the size, it's the willingness." A bold feminist statement.

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