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2000-11-13��"I am sick and tired of being treated like I don't exist."

I went shopping on Saturday after I got my hair cut. I like Target more now than I used to. They've really improved. It's not a different kind of K-Mart anymore. Whenever I go there, they have such cute little sets of things that I just want to buy it all and furnish an apartment. I got a new shower curtain, with bathbrushes and bars of soap printed on it in blue and green and pink. I got some Powerpuff Girl bandaids just for the hell of it. I got some nice black gloves.

Then at the mall, I bought a Spinal Tap lunchbox at Suncoast. You should have heard the gasp I made when I saw it. It was a dumb thing to buy but I couldn't resist. At the bookstore I managed to find Sesame Street Unpaved, which was said to be out of print on Amazon, but was on clearance here for $5! And it's a good thing too, since it's small and has quite a few editing errors. But it's great to look through.

I got a nice e-mail from Shayne whom I remember from my early days on Opium. First she sent me one with a quote for me to use. Then her reply to me about that one included the following:

Oh, when Matt was here in the city (New York) over the summer (I was reluctant to write something about this cause it makes me sound like I think I am way cool and hang with them all the time which I so totally do not I am just another scroupie dork but anyhow) we met for lunch one day and we were talking about the new website they were working on and he was all about lovin your page. He was like "It's so cool, she's got this great quotes page where she'll take things we say and right after that is some totally connected quote from a book and then something from a friend...it's hard to describe, but it's awesome." That's the gist of it, not exact words on account of I didn't write it down or anything.

It's one thing when Matt likes my page to my face, but hundreds of miles away, in a totally non-show setting, is different.

I have the Nirvana cover of "The Man Who Sold the World" in my head... the only Nirvana song I like, and it's not really a Nirvana song, it's Bowie.

"American Beauty" was also on Saturday and it was a little better than I expected. Different, too. There was form and subtlety in it that you don't find in most American films. And I think it was directed by a British guy, so there you have it.

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