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2000-12-26��manos: the hands of fate.

I was at Julie's on Saturday night and we watched two Mystery Science Theatre 3000s, Cave Dwellers and Manos: the Hands of Fate. Julie was flabbergasted by the awfulness of the second movie. After that we watched SCETV and made fun of Jay. Well, everyone, but mostly Jay. We had seen it before but I felt like bringing it anyway, and we watched it with the sound off and were in a MST3K mood so we ripped on it a little. Julie immediately noticed Jay's knee thing that he does. I told her about Nicole's theory that he does to hit the high notes. Julie thought that maybe he did it to keep his bits and pieces from flying away when he hit the notes. She's a strange woman. Recalling that episode of South Park where John Stamos' brother is trying to sing "Loving You," she imitated Jay trying to hit the "AAAAAAA" part at the end. Maybe you had to be there, but we were rolling on the floor. Erin would have enjoyed it. ;)

Julie also said that if Jump were to change their name, they should change it to What the Fuck. Or for all ages shows, What the Blank.

What is it with me when I talk to Tina?? The only Hindu person I know, and I swear I must have accidentally mentioned dead cows more to her than anyone else in my life. Damn. Funny how I always act panicky and ditsy on the phone with her and not so much with other people. I think it's because she's seen me be an idiot at the Clemson show. :)

Ah, time to get back to mentally preparing myself for Dock Street. As a person easily overwhelmed by stimuli, I know there will be a lot to deal with this weekend, and I want to have fun with it all.

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