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2002-12-14��excerpts from my inner reflections horoscope.

I got the Inner Reflections report at Tarot.com Astrology like Erin suggested when I was asking how to best use my free report certificate.

Fucking hell this is long! I have a summary I came up with at the end.

"You are lucky and optimistic. You are frank and direct with people without being hurtful. You are responsible and benevolent and can see how to get things done. You go through several changes in life which leave you in improved circumstances....

OK, you are genuinely lucky. Others want to hop on your 'bandwagon' when you move toward a goal. You have the ability to turn one win into another, creating incredible momentum. You know how to create enthusiasm and excitement for any project while at the same time having fun....

You have a desire to come before the public, to be recognized by others. You are really shy and have difficulty putting your best foot forward. At times, you withhold yourself or even intentionally put your worst foot forward. You want to gain acceptance for who you really are rather than take people in with a surface charm. You long for significance and relationships are always in jeopardy until you know and accept yourself at a deep level....

Outbursts of anger and emotional extravagance get you into trouble. You are always finding your limits by exceeding them. Better to learn to think before acting....

You are able to apply knowledge in a very practical way. You may be able to turn you [sic] skill with language into literary talent. Your mental versatility and general adaptability may bring you several changes in employment....

Literary skill and a refined outlook on life give you a likeable and colorful manner of expression....

You are propelled in life by a deep desire to experience and then convey the truth. You have common sense and the ability to get an extra mile out of yourself and others. Your faith in the inherent goodness or rightness in life sustains you through difficulties. You are an attentive and curious student and an inspiring teacher....

At a core level you don't think well enough about yourself. It may appear that you do on the surface, but the truth of the matter is your pessimism and complaining comes from a fear that life will not give you what you want. Learn to work smarter and not just harder. You see the virtue in discipline and often force yourself to do things you feel are good for you. In turn, you may resent others that don't work as hard. It is more difficult for you to get where you are going because you are always having to compromise between what you would like to do and what you feel is required. This conflict between desires and feelings of obligation is often the source of worry, stress and wasted energy. For all this, you excel in any area that requires close, careful judgment....

Mental laziness is your enemy. Your natural conservative "mind set" can take you along a path of success, but artificial worries and disagreements with authority can slow you down. Root out any negative attitude and do away with vindictiveness and your life is easy. Break big projects up into little pieces and be disciplined. Then, your mind will take you far....

[Venus in Scorpio, FYI] You have a love of physical pleasure. You are passionate and have an aura of secrecy about you. You like nice things and will alternately approach them and avoid them. You lack moderation and tact. You consequently go from being overly sensitive to others to being shut off. You are proud and extravagant, then very ascetic. Harmony comes to you only through stabilizing and overcoming your desires. This comes slowly by comprehensive reexamination of past experiences....

You have a love of faraway places and people. Because travel is an important value for to you, it is likely that you will spend some time in a foreign country. You are devotional and very intuitive. You have the ability to inspire anyone that you feel close to. You help others bring out the best in themselves....

You have an aspect between Venus and the Moon. This shows that you have a powerful emotional nature and are affected at a deep level by other people's thoughts and opinions of you....

You are prone to emotional and financial excess....

You like money and adornments. You have good taste, but sometimes it's too good. You can get into trouble through overindulgence. Staying on a budget is almost impossible for you....

Good luck comes to you, so don't throw it away....

You are slow to form your affections but once in place, they tend to last....

You are humanitarian, idealistic, intuitive and impressionistic in love. If you are interested in something, you love it, even if only momentarily. If you love something you are capable of immediate and deep sacrifice for it. This gives a highly charged, impulsive and romantic color to all of your human interactions. You are truly at home in the ideal realm. You are always looking for a loftier, more abstract truth. Money comes and goes, as it is difficult for you to save systematically....

You have Mars in aspect to Venus. This aspect shows sex appeal and interest in romance....

You are lucky but overstep your limits time and time again. You are truly lucky when you learn how to walk away from the dice table a winner rather than always going for double or nothing until you lose. Your tendency is always to try to multiply a winning situation rather than just accepting it as a win at face value. Enough is enough. Learn to be satisfied. In human relationships you are often in a kind of good-natured competition even with those on your team. You think of this as building character and personal reliance but others will see you as selfish and a poor team player. Your boldness and bluntness need to be curbed. For even though people may like you, they will not trust you....

Abrupt bursts of energy, great confidence, and keen insight gives your life a touch of adventure. Your competitiveness and brashness can easily get you in trouble but, correctly balanced against a strong moral conscience and thoroughly understood personal motives, you go far in life and are lucky....

You are colorful, magnetic and very devotional. In some subtle way you inspire and encourage others without ever coercing them. You are idealistic and very emotional....

There is an expansive and pervasive quality to the way you meet life. You create much in life but need to be on guard against vanity and extravagance. Both can happen automatically, and both cause you much trouble....

You have an aspect of Jupiter to Mars. This aspect shows that you have an optimistic spirit and have the ability to assert your desires. Your enthusiasm may come forward as combativeness or as competition but in either case you are a lively participant in life. Your values and your energy emerge as zest for living....

You fear the unknown. You create more and more detail, become more analytic and increase your technical proficiency, all to push back the frontiers of the great expanse. You need to have more faith in life and avoid being wrapped up in endless dissecting. You want to adjust to life on its own terms. Remember, your perceptions of the world exist in your mind as potentials first. Give up worrying. You are very productive and enough is enough....

Responsibilities create confusion for you. You may feel very burdened by your beliefs, which leads to feeling quite isolated from the rest of society. Your life improves when you are able to rise above self-pity and see how you inadvertently cause your own suffering. You need to build success by shuttling between your obligations and your ideals. Becoming rigid mentally or slipping into confusion is self-defeating. Building positive self-esteem is necessary....

You learn best by making mistakes. You feel things deeply and are always involved in some intense form of self-scrutiny. You know how to stay with a project through a sheer act of will when necessary....

People think of you as a real individualist. Your mind has no horizons. You see all as possible. You love experiences and may love travel for this reason. Your path of growth has to include mental enrichment....

You have Uranus in aspect with your Saturn. This indicates that you are attempting to accommodate the urge for security and the urge for freedom....

You bring an aura of graciousness and social responsibility to any task that you take on. You are a visionary leader and others follow your lead because they feel that you are watching out for their best interests....

You have an aspect of Neptune to your Mercury showing a deep vision of the truth and some psychic awareness....

Your love of the hidden aspect of life will lead you into some genuinely strange situations and some unusual states of consciousness....

You have a golden opportunity to remove obstacles to growth in your personality directly by working on the key relationships in your life....

Your desires often get you into trouble. Re-channeling your energy into something constructive is very difficult. Your natural tendency is to repress your wants or to trade one extreme, like anger, for another such as lust or greed. Your energy is still a winning quality and good effort eventually brings good results. You can learn to redirect your impulses through hard work, patience and consistent attention to results....

You can accomplish an unbelievable amount of work with people (in regards to end results) through very slight alterations of the intonation and inflections of your expressions and mannerisms. Little changes can carry you a long way....

You feel at the mercy of circumstances in life. Sudden changes seem difficult to foresee and hard to plan for. Your responses to change range the gamut from sharp overreaction to numbness. You are able to use change as a procedure of growth when you see that changes are a direct personal extension of a collision between where you have been in the past to where you wish to be in the future....

It is hard for you to see how you are responsible for the abrupt disruptions that dot the landscape of your life from time to time. The deep emotional content of your nature is often hidden so that you feel no connection to what your feelings are creating. Other people in your life can often "tip you off" when the effect of your emotions are emerging just outside of the periphery of your awareness. In the long run it is so beneficial for you to see how your feelings impact your friendships, and your life situations. You have lots of energy for personal change once you see how your feelings affect your life....

Good use of your hands and mind to make adjustments in your environment give you a way of feeling useful and important to others. Your underlying mental mapping of the surrounding environment is one that always reveals options. This can give you nervousness, but also it gives you ideas and an interesting point of view....

You are living with a powerful force within you for good or ill. Difficulties can come to you when your tenacity or compulsive addictive nature gets in the way of common sense. There are times when you will need to learn to let circumstances alter you, rather than just using your stubbornness, strength and energy to alter circumstances. Under the guidance of your higher precepts you are capable of phenomenal discipline....

Your basic instincts are in conflict. Habits deeply ingrained and more unconscious than conscious tend to direct much of your emotional life....

Be as specific as you can be and avoid retreat into escapist fantasies. The more detailed you are in life the faster you learn. The more factual and analytic you are the quicker life moves forward."

In summary, I am blunt but need to watch this tendency. I search for the truth. I need to discipline myself and think better of myself. I am lucky. I am also lucky with money (sooo many horscopes have told me this, about both the luckiness and the money issues) to the point where I don't budget because I don't really feel a need to.

I like that it noted my shyness and insecurity, my working with words and the way I'll overindulge and then turn around and scarcely indulge at all. The stuff about physical pleasure and passion amused me but I don't think it's wrong, just that it's a nascent aspect. I think some of you might find that stuff about brashness and competitiveness interesting but please do note the good-naturedness, benevolence and optimism. So! Good call, Erin.

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