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2004-08-28��august update

I got fired from my job I'd been at for three years in July. Let's not get into that. More importantly, I now have started in a new field, that of technical writing, which I hope to make into a career. I am being paid more, as well. Good stuff. I met the guy who "got" me the job due to LiveJournal -- a poster on my friends list dated him, and I followed her link to his journal when he screwed up on a date and she was complaining about it. Crazy how seemingly random things can happen. But then I met my boyfriend because of LJ/Jump.

I am flying up to Boston in 38 days to see my boyfriend again, and then we will go to our friends' wedding in New Hampshire. Then, he and I will drive down here with his stuff, and he'll move in to a house in Lawrenceville. The guy who owns the house is a friend of my best friend's husband. Serendipitous. Eventually I too will move in there.

My hair is getting longer. I need to get my car washed; I parked under a pine tree yesterday, apparently out of insanity.

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my livejournal

s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade