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2000-11-27��i'm the water, i'm the dishes, i'm the soap... the title has nothing to do with the topic

I bought some nice holiday cards at Barnes and Noble on Saturday when me and Julie went to visit Trevor at Toys R Hell next door, before we went home to watch "X-Men" on DVD. I had to do a lot of searching to find non-Christmas ones. I didn't want to be sending Tina a Christmas card because I know she'd beat my ass. My friends are all so mean.

Just kidding. If you read my diaryland and you want a card from me, just e-mail me your address at [email protected] and I will send you mine back, probably. The cards are so cute.

My thanksgiving was nice. We went to Columbus GA for the day to see the rest of my family, all 6 of them. There were no arguments or unpleasantness this time. We went to my dad's mother's for breakfast and then to my mother's parents for lunch, where we met with her sister, her husband and my cousin Brian, who is 13 and got all the good looks in the family.

The rest of the weekend was spent sleeping, a lot of the time. I kind of want to talk about the dreams I had here, but I can't ever really remember them well enough to be coherent about it. But I think one had closed captioning. I keep that function on my TV a lot so that explains that.

Somebody doing a search for "pat boone spanking" got a link to the page I did of Julie's quotes. Whoa. I don't want to know.

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s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade