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2000-11-20��it's nice and cold

So I'm reading diarylands (I hate it when people start out writing with "So I'm," don't you?) and I notice that a lot of people changed theirs over the weekend, leaving me slightly perturbed and disoriented. If one person had done it, that would be fine, but it was like dominoes: like, one person did it, and then their friends did it. They all look cute though. I take comfort in the fact that cliques were not nearly so prevalent in the diarylands I read before I did it. :P It's true!

So, happy birthday, Loni and Jay, for yesterday and tomorrow. I just added Jay in there for the hell of it, it's mostly Loni I'm addressing, because as far as I know, Jay doesn't read my diaryland.

On Friday night, it must have been, I talked to Chrissy for about 4 hours on the phone and it was a lot of fun. She described how non-crowded Jump's Yankee shows are as I steamed with envy. And Tina called Saturday morning, and we decided to go to Dock Street whether we had tickets or not. Wooo, rock and roll. Ha.

Well, on Saturday I bought the hat and muffler that match my gloves at Target, and then bought a nice black water-resistent peacoat with a leopard print lining on a massive sale at Macy's. I also got some more Clinique lipstick. I love lipgloss and lipstick. Hey, you would too if your lips were basically your only asset.

That night I went over to Julie's and we watched "Spinal Tap" on DVD. The funniest things in it were the ads for Rock and Rolls, which were basically Hot Pockets. Emily was really cute.

I'm trying to decide whether or not to go to work. I think I will since there are only two days of work this week.

Also, on an unrelated note, it's so weird to read about snow in the South in December, let alone November. The thing about it is, when we have freakish winter weather, some people are like, "Guess there's no such thing as global warming then!" Go tell the Inuits that as you stand on the melting ice.

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s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade