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2001-02-13��i have a headache from all that coding

Well! isn't this design a lot less garish? I was tired of all the purple. The guestbook is different too. And the old guestbook on *seven days* has been replaced by one that works.

I have a headache after all that altering. I really should be working on my editorial, or my "King of the Hill" report (god I love media courses), both of which are due tomorrow, but I'll Do Them Later. Having a computer at home does not really help, since I get home tonight at 10 and leave in the morning at seven. I am also really behind in my internship log. I need to get a hold of that before it's too late to salvage. I was supposed to meet Lindsay today to go see "Gimme Shelter" at Cinefest, but we both couldn't make it. So I'll try to see it on Thursday.

In happier news, only Wednesday, Thursday, and the first half of Friday have to go by before I get the AT&T hookup.

And even better, in a little more than two weeks my Chrissy is coming, and it'll be grits for all. :)

On a final note, these new diaryland features have allowed me to come across diaries of people I know, who I didn't know had diaries; if that makes any sense. But let me warn you, given their new connect-friendly emphasis and the way diaryland is a whore for search engines, if you're looking to keep anything private, this is not the place to do it. Get some paper. Although it IS fun to see how many diarylanders have yours listed as a favorite.

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s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade