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2001-02-14��too. many. cliques.

Yeah, I know. I have too many cliques. It's true. But there was this "rocks my socks off" one I found, and I was pleased to find that Jessica was already on it, so I had to join. And then I found a "Jackass" clique. So I had to do it. I've been going nuts with the HTML lately, I know it. But I won't join any more cliques! I won't! I mean it!

You, gentle reader, may want to peruse Cliques R Us, if for no reason other than to see the bizarre and stupid as well as clever ones available. Examples: "Gotta Be the Hair" (remind you of anyone?) "I Love My Screenname," "Courtney is NOT a Killer," "Dammit... Another Blink182 Clique" [*snerk*] and last but not least, "Orgasms are Beautiful." But basically, if you like anime or boy bands, you will find a shitload of cliques. Plus, in a lot of the sites the HTML design is really gorgeous. So, go waste some time and have a few laughs.

But as for my own widdle clique, I made the page easier to navigate with magical tags, and I found the CSS code that makes the links bold when you put your cursor on them, so don't be alarmed.

I'm listening to "London Calling" again, by the Clash. Funny, I got into them three years ago because Jakob Dylan likes them, and since the Wallflowers' new album came out I've not only NOT bought the album, but I've had two chances to see them in concert that I was flagrantly careless about. I've been spoiled by Jump, Little Children in so many ways.

But anyway, I like the Clash a lot; if there were room I would list them on my profile. Oh well.

Gosh, I'm boring in my diaryland. I hate describing things and I absolutely can't do that whole "in the gloomy gloom of my deep despair" shit.

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s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade