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2001-02-15��1 day till the hookup.

Aw man. I was gonna join the AIM Addict clique, but she won't let diarylands join it, and I won't put it on my main page. Aren't you glad I don't have picky rules like that? Sigh. Anyway, there is a new addition to my clique, Ward girl Heather. There are a lot of Ward girls now; I wonder why that is. ;) I haven't been recruiting them or anything, I swear!

I just love how I write in diaryland when hardly anything is going on. That is most of the time, actually, come to think of it.

This morning the air was damp and it was breezy and 61 degrees. Birds were chirping and it felt like spring. As much as I hate summer, hate it with a passion, I like spring. Especially early spring, when it's still cool. I didn't have to wear my big black coat today. I like it, but I'm getting sick of it. So I wore my red hoodie jacket from the Gap, or my Elliott jacket, as I like to call it. I was tired of it being cold.

Today's plans involve going to my internship, seeing "Gimme Shelter" at Cinefest, and having Chris come over to adjust my computer a little bit. (It was his idea.) Then tomorrow I am getting the AT&T hookup. I get to sleep in tomorrow, because the guy's (or girl's) coming in the afternoon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well.

Oh P.S., just a few days after I said that I knew everyone who had Jump listed in their profiles as a favorite, two complete strangers have shown up. Ha ha.

P.P.S., does diaryland always start their list of most recently updated diaries with the letter A ones? That's bullshit. That gives the A's a disproportionate number of hits.

P.P.P.S., someone doing a Google search for "kick ass ballerinas" got my diaryland as the top result. It was from an entry about a Jump show.

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s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade