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2001-03-05��"you're not ward!" -cha about everyone

Today when I got home I was totally going to write this bitchy drama queen remark about how I should start charging for my services of introducing my friends to each other, or having them know each other through me, and having them be better friends with each other than they are with me, but that would be wrong, to quote Jasmine. We've all been talking like Jasmine for a few days, you guys! Ha ha. But seriously, though, it's still bothering me. My whole feeling about the way the weekend would go was pretty on target. We had a lot of fun and I bought some cool things. A lot of funny things happened. It was a good time. But I think that if Jasmine hadn't been there, I would not have been as happy as I was, and it would have been like that sleepover at my "best friend" Lindsay's house in sixth grade where I started crying in the corner because everyone was having fun and I wasn't and I couldn't figure out why, and this one annoying motherly girl was all trying to comfort me, like, "Anne, you're the life of the party!" and she was so lying and I was so mad that she thought she could fool me with that patronizing comment. Oh, why don't I just cry, damn. I wonder just how many people I am alienating with this current theme of pity-partying about being a transition friend (I can totally picture people being like, "Why is Anne being such a crazy bitch; we can't help it if she's not cool"). And I don't even want to mention how I wonder if I had gone to Dock Street, if it would be better. Oops! Sara reminded me that I can't change the past, but it still irritates me.

Anyway! I am talking about it with Sara and listening to "Here Comes Your Man" on repeat; I have been playing it a lot the past few days and trying not to annoy people. I am also talking to Mari from Brazil, for once! Hey, dear! Maybe you can finally sign my guestbook!

Chrissy has a pretty good summary of what all we did, so read that first to get an idea. Right now she is sleeping in my bed. I am not currently in it, but I slept with Jasmine last night, you guys.

It was pouring rain a lot of the time in Athens, which I didn't mind; we need it. At Junkman's Daughter's Brother we took those photobooth shots; it was classic. I was all excited about this great chocolate and candy store. The shop girl was all, "O-kay." A lot of the time that we were at Nicole's was spent looking at her many pictures of Jump and laughing and cooing over them and talking about the dumb things Jay has done and said. Outside the 40 Watt, we talked and giggled loudly enough for the tattoo artists next door to close the door, glaring at us. We had dinner at the Mellow Mushroom and I had a Killian's for the first time in the longest. We also had a nice trip to the Super Wal-Mart. For a while we stayed up and made crude remarks. Chrissy made us pancakes the next morning; that was neat. We took Jasmine home and then went back to Atlanta.

Brooke, Rachel and Specka came over and we watched "Homegrown" again. It was a lot of fun. I wasn't pissed off anymore, like magic. We went to Burger King and Krispy Kreme and then to Cha's house. Cha was wearing hers, but I wasn't wearing MY Jean Jacket of Shame. Cha has the cutest room. She had two cellos (I had to touch them) and two cats (touched them too), so I just didn't know what to do with myself. Brooke and Chrissy, not being Ward girls, watched us and pretended to make fun of us, but later claimed to be jealous since we were bonding so well; we had some of the same books and stuff, too. Cha makes me feel lazy, because she's so very, very into it. But then she's also 17, so she makes me wishful for my days of Jump-induced happiness which seem so long ago. She had been complaining about how she had lost the picture of Ward kissing her, but later on I found it, and I told her she owed me big time, and she was so happy. It was a cute picture, I'll admit. I also told Cha I would do a diaryland for her, and the name we wanted for it wasn't taken, but I sent the password to her e-mail address like a dumbass. So, I can't do it right away. Tsk. But I am going to see Cha and Specka play cello later this month and be their groupie.

Then Brooke, Chrissy and I picked up chicken and brought that and the doughnuts to Julie, but Brooke had to go. We watched "The Princess Bride" but Chrissy was very much distracted by the Anne Rice erotica we had told Loni to buy. Julie and I also looked at some of our old high school stuff together. I was feeling bad for Julie, stuck at home and not meeting anyone. So I'm glad that happened. I really should stop writing, since it's two in the morning.

Oh! as for randomness, in ToyFare at the Wal-Mart we saw a picture of an "Oblivia" action figure (apparently a Latina vampire in the comics) and a sign in Stone Mountain for Capt'n Jerk, whatever that was.

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