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2001-05-16��post-gradamacation life.

Wow, I bet y'all think that since I haven't updated since my graduation ceremony, that I must have been doing exciting things, huh?

Well, actually, Diaryland is a procrastination tool, and since I get to sleep in and basically just run errands for my mother, my priorities (as well as my sleep cycle) just get all fucked up and I don't do the things I usually do instead of schoolwork, like read or write diary entries.

The day of my ceremony was nice. At one point, though, in the gym, there weren't enough folding chairs in my row and I had to sit between two chairs. Not to get too detailed, but I have a really bony butt, so it wasn't fun. However, when I finished my walk I made sure to get an actual seat. I teared up when Dr. Patton ("You magnificent son of a bitch, I read your book!") asked members of the audience to stand up if they were parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, siblings, cousins, spouses of the graduates.

Since then I have been worrying about getting a job, because I want to go on a week-long vacation, about which I haven't told my parents. And they want me to get a "real" job, not work at Old Navy, or something. Hello, the job market sucks right now. My dad got me an appointment at Randstad or however you spell it, so maybe something will come from that. They're so annoying. My mother wants me to go to a personal shopper at Rich's and get businesswear, so I don't think she'll be too delighted about my vacation plans. Too bad they have my money! Dammit. I also have to work this week on finding a healthcare program, since I'm going to be dropped from my parents' plan any second (today is my official date of graduation). I fully realize now how lucky Tina is for already having had a job ready.

But back to Old Navy. I really have an urge to go there (even after I feel like a tool for spending all that money last week that I didn't need to do) and get summer clothes, for when Nicole and Brooke and Brooks and I go to Charleston in 16 days. I am so excited, because we get to stay with Loni, and go to the beach. :) I always want to buy summer clothes this time of year, and then at some point I always remember that I look like a POW or something. I am damn tired of always looking like a starving 12-year-old boy.

But there are still cute things to buy at ON. So, this Saturday, after I get my hair cut (finally) I am going to Old Navy and then to Red Lobster for my graduation dinner (yes, it's finalized).

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