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2001-07-02��"it took me like two months to figure out what you meant by giving me this keychain, and then i was like, '...hey!'"

Manashi and I might take a yoga class together in September.

Okay, I'll wait for y'all to stop laughing....

Last night Olivia made a surprise appearance, on her way back home to Jacksonville from the Nashville show. She was really tired and couldn't stay long -- she just brought her sushi to eat and we talked and then she got on the road, but I hadn't seen her in a while and it was nice to visit with her. Unfortunately, this morning she had a wreck! She's okay but a little shaken and her car is screwed. :(

As for me and my petty concerns, I'm lamenting my laziness and apathy, mostly in regards to not having a job and feeling so inert about looking for one. I often feel like my circumstances have trapped me into having limited options -- I don't have a car, et cetera -- and therefore I have an excuse to not do anything, and yet at the same time I lament my situation.

See, when I try to write about deep, non-Jump-related things, I don't make very much sense, and also, it's boring. :)

Anyway, my uncle is running the Peachtree Road Race on the 4th and therefore he and my aunt are coming up here from Columbus on Tuesday (my cousin is at camp). They're staying at a hotel, but my mother is spazzing and making us clean up. Luckily I was in a housework mood this morning (also an I-don't-want-to-get-yelled-at mood) so I cleaned my bathroom, dried four loads of clothes, and vacuumed. Yup, it's pretty boring. Oh well.

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s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade