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2001-07-05��double ward, er, word, score.

I got back from Manashi's a little past midnight. She made spaghetti and we talked a lot. She has a darling third-floor apartment with a great view. I brought my Scrabble board and we played two games while eating M&Ms; the second game was much more interesting. I got to use "vim," "curry," and "womb." I think we ended up tying. She also loaned me hardback copies of the third and fourth Harry Potter books, and gave me a copy of the Columbia weekly that Matt's good interview was in. We also listened to some selections from a compilation tape I had; that was amusing. I like Manashi; she's cool. And I am not just saying that because we have some things in common. ;)

Her roommate had a copy of Jezebel magazine (Atlanta Magazine's "competitor") that had a small bit about Butch Walker's sartorial preferences, and a hilarious picture of him from behind, looking over his shoulder, as if he were pissing on the street or something. He's one of the few people that can look good doing that.

In other news, my uncle ran the Peachtree Road Race this morning and so he, my aunt, and my cousin all came by after it was done. We had a bunch of food from KFC. I am lovin the KFC, y'all. I am addicted to the potato wedges. For real I am. They were here for about three hours, just barely stretching my ADD 14-year-old cousin's patience limit (he was beginning to get sick of the MST3K tape I was playing, and hells no he ain't gettin on my computer). But it was a good visit. Chicken makes everything good.

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