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2001-09-21��hey, "hilary and jackie" is on.

Well, in my last entry I was expressing my reluctance to take on new responsibilities at work. The very next day, it was the second day Susan hadn't shown up or called. Her last day was supposed to be today. She'd been training me on the Longs account, so I could take it over when she left. Well, basically, she left prematurely for her new job. haha. And our supervisor doesn't like Longs very much. Our supervisor (Lynne) left yesterday to visit her son in New York, so basically except for the account manager I was on my own. So I had to ask questions and figure things out and prioritize. It went pretty well, I think. If I get more or less forced to do something, I do it. Also, there's been a continuation of the lessening of my phone-incompetence that started when I was an intern at Atlanta Magazine. I knew I had those communication skills somewhere. Hurray for shy people becoming more confident. Man, I know that was cheesy. Cut me a break.

Today was a bit of a pain because a bunch of new reports came in and I had to take some home to work on this weekend (like shopping for clothes and getting my hair cut aren't enough work ;)), but we had a nice charity lunch and a birthday cake for Bret, plus it was jeans day. The lunch consisted of KFC chicken, mysteriously spicy corn-on-the-cob, 5 kinds of potato salad, rolls, cornbread, coleslaw, deviled eggs, etc. that I have forgotten. And the dessert table! Connie's banana pudding, two apple pies and a cherry pie, a tub of vanilla ice cream, brownies, and a cake. Iced tea was supplied to drink, and I should have just opted for the vending machine, because tea always makes me shaky. Anyway, it was a good deal for 5 bucks.

I've been at this job for about a month, and I like it, but I haven't really had a break or major diversion for quite a while, and it is beginnning to wear. So I'm really looking forward to freakin' shopping at Old Navy tomorrow, and naturally, the Jump shows on the 29th. I'm REALLY wanting to see my people again!

I am not, however, looking forward to cleaning my bathroom. I'm a little nervous about hooking up my printer too.

Anyway, in case I forget to remind my readers, don't forget to buy "Vertigo" next Tuesday! (You can pre-order it with that link.)

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