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2001-10-11��my last two LJ entries.

These are from my LiveJournal. If you haven't read my recap of the Atlanta show, you might be interested if you give a crap about J,LC show recaps.

Wednesday, October 10

Today was a good day, even though it might not read like one. I went ahead to work this morning even though I had a doctor's appointment, because I had things to do. At the ear, nose and throat doctor, I wrote a check for $125 due to not having insurance, but got some free antibiotics. I was kind of disappointed that I only weighed 109. That makes me nervous.

After that, since my mother and I both had had appointments at about the same time with the same person, we went to eat at this really great Burger King. I had really been craving Burger King after reading so many reports from them lo these many weeks at work. It was a new place, and the food was really great and we got it really fast, and the inside was all shiny and new, and their health score was 100. I just would not shut up about the damn Burger King. Luckily my mom thought it was cute.

So then I went back to work, and since while I was at the doctor's I missed the meeting about our new insurance plans, I got the packets and looked through them and whatnot, and let me just say, you know you're grown when you get excited about having good insurance. All the doctors I have that I could remember, and all the hospitals I can foresee going to in this area, are in the book, and we have dental insurance too, and life. It's just kind of ironic, since I've written quite a few checks lately for medical stuff because I didn't/don't have insurance. Oh well, best to get them out of the way.

Laura at work gave me my copy of "Vertigo" back that I let her borrow. I was starting to miss it; she'd had it for over a week. Good thing, she wants to know where she can buy it. She said you kinda have to be in the right mood to listen to it. True.

So I stayed at work til 7 to make up for the hours I was out. We get to wear jeans tomorrow because the Braves won today. The new David Garza CD I ordered was in the mail. I also finally had enough credit to buy my ticket to the Jump show on the 20th, so I can quit freaking about it, I hope. I'm tired.

Thursday, October 11

I feel like listening to happy early Beatles. I really like the entire range of Beatles stuff, but the early stuff -- which a lot of people dismiss, I think -- fascinates me, mostly because of the reactions it produced in teenage girls (probably why it gets dismissed, eh?). I know that it was *ahem* more than the music that the girls were reacting to, but hey. I think I would have enjoyed being a teenager in the early 60s. Except for, oh, the nuclear scares and the President being assassinated and all.

Hey, I did write a report on groupies for my World Music class, and gave a presentation and got an A. You can imagine how much fun I had talking about The Plaster Casters in front of a class. I also own Bye Bye Baby, which ought to put into perspective any doubts about the sanity of J,LC fans.

I own "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" on video, and while it's hardly Wellesian, it's quite amusing. I also saw "A Hard Day's Night" in Buckhead when it was re-released, and damn if that isn't a great movie.

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s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade