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2001-10-23��if *you* are reading this, i love you. you know who you are.

Sometimes I wonder what my sites and pages look like on a Macintosh, but since I'm no longer in school (yay!) where they have Macs I can't really check. I hope my pages don't look like crap. I guess someone will have to tell me someday....

I probably should have updated this thing days ago, but I don't really have anything with which to make a well-sized entry. It's not like LJ where you can just post random thoughts on a whim. I should post a recap of the Athens show but I don't really feel like it. I'll just stand by my hoary old statement that it was great seeing everyone. It was. This is my alterna-family, after all. And Evan was nice, who knew? It's always something, with this band. To think, 3 years ago this month I was at my very first real J,LC show. I have it on CD. (I just put it in my CD player.) Like I've said in here before, I can pinpoint the second I fell in love. Oddly enough, during "Pink Lemonade." Because of the "You Are My Sunshine" part. It took me an embarrassingly long time to pay attention to the lyrics and realize what the song is about, which made it all the more amusing.

Last night I stayed up 'til 1 talking on IM to Megan and Erin about various sources of frustration, and though I knew I had to go to bed since I wake up at 6 I just couldn't shut up (it's a fascinating topic, you know, and we are experts). Therefore I nearly fell asleep several times at work today. When I'm at work I'm counting the hours 'til I can go home and sleep, and when I get home I just have to chat with everyone on IM until I end up thinking, Where has the time gone?

Perhaps I should talk about work, since other than You Know What that's the only thing really going on in my life, but it's quite boring and I prefer to only think about work AT work. I'm content with my job, and it pays well and is convenient; it's just nothing I'd care to write about.

I need something to do. Like a hobby. (Hobbus are fub, right, Manashi?) I was thinking, book club, but that's too much like school, and I don't like discussing books all that much. Martial arts! but I'm uncoordinated. I feel quite under-read. I don't want to take up an instrument. Hmmm.

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my livejournal

s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade