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2002-01-06��oh shit

Fuck, my entry got erased.

What I was going to say was, I'm going to write about Charleston tomorrow and not use cute link tricks, and I'm probably a Buddhist.

Fuckin' internet. Son of a bitch.


To elaborate some, I'm waiting til tomorrow because I am tired now, and I'm bothering in the first place because while some of you were there, many of you were not, and also, it was a pretty important weekend to my mind. I regret not attending the events; but considering how little I ate and how nervous I was, I'm surprised I got anywhere, frankly. But I'm not using cute link tricks because when other people use them I get distracted by them and then sad when I'm not linked. Heh.

Work this week, what few days I attended, consisted of data entry and talking to Laura about a certain band. "Are they jerks?" Someone in the band sent me a wonderful e-mail, so I'm going with No, for now.

As for the Buddhism, if I had to pick a theology, that'd be it. Once I have a better grasp of it I may go into my reasons. For now, it seems to have just enough structure and just enough freedom.

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j,lc // pink lemonade