*seven days* - a j,lc website e-mail me my profile diaryland dot com older entries rings and cliques sign my guestbook

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2002-01-02��i am sick of html, and i'm in the thick of it. (apologies to dylan)

Okay, yes, I suck at updating this. I do intend to do a recap of the delicious Dock Street shows. But for now, check out my latest project.

take the quiz!

There's some background at my LiveJournal.

It snowed today! We got to go home early and tomorrow we will go in late. Sweet. Also, happy new year. My new year's resolutions are to learn to drive, get a car, and meditate each day. So far none of them are going that well. Give me time!

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my livejournal

s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade