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Since I last updated, I have moved. I now rent out the front rooms of an adorable townhouse in Norcross. The woman who owns the house is the former roommate of my friend who works at CNN; she's going to London for 6 months, and the lease is up, so Laurie bought a new place. Laurie has a little dog; she sheds a lot, but she's nice. The dog is nice too. Ha ha. Laurie teaches autistic kindergarteners, so she goes to bed early and wakes up at about 5:30. I hope someday I'll stop reacting to her alarm. She's one of those cool teachers: tattoo on her ankle, extra earrings. Teachers kind of intimidate me still, especially cool ones.

Today my Internet and digital cable were installed. Actually, they have to bring out a new remote. Exciting. I've got most of the furniture I need all set up. I need to put curtains on this weekend; it's rather light at night. I have a beautiful bed and the room looks great. As soon as I get most of the stuff in that I need, I can work on wall decor.

Anthony was supposed to come earlier this month to visit, but it wasn't a good time and he couldn't afford it. Next month looks kind of dicey too. I suppose if it works out, it works out.

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my livejournal

s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade