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2003-12-17��mmmm, yes.

So from the 3rd to the 10, I was visiting my boyfriend in Maine. The vacation was over my birthday, which was on the 7th.

We watched Adaptation, Donnie Darko, and my Futurama DVDs after he hooked up his own DVD player to the TV in the efficiency EconoLodge room I had in Augusta (he called it "home." There were a few ants in it, so we had to move to another one, but still, same hotel).

We ate at Friendly's and the AHOP. We held hands over the table while waiting for our food.

We drove to the Maine Mall in Portland. On my birthday he was planning to take me to Camden, a coastal resort town, and stay at a really nice inn he used to work at (the motel he was working at when he "met" me was across the street and we ate breakfast there; that was a weird sensation). But it snowed, so he couldn't drive there. We went to Blockbuster instead. The next day, we stayed in a room there that he'd personally worked on (trim and paint). There was complimentary champagne and cookies. Maine is beautiful. I was so touched.

We saw The Last Samurai. Ninjas!

We went to his family's house for a birthday celebration (4 people in his family have birthdays around the same time I do). They got me presents. They decorated the tree. I helped some. I was kind of disoriented -- a little homesick, plus all the hustle and bustle, plus the fact that even though I'd met them the day or so before for dinner, I thought "I could never see these people again -- OR they could be my in-laws" and that was weirding me out. They're great people -- and they liked me too. I liked everyone I met, family and friends. And they liked me.

We were together 24/7.

We therefore had sex 7 times. Yes, I kept track. Heh. It got easier; the last time, there was something involved that was new to me and that I liked, so I was chagrined that it was the last day! He was too, probably more so than I, so you can guess what it was from that. Anyway, I must have had all the cranberry juice in the state to drink most days. He's about my height and about my weight, which is to say he's not a big guy... but there, he's not having any problems. Heh heh. The discomfort was even interesting. Also, I didn't know I could get my legs to do that. Oh, I could go on, but words cheapen it and mess it up.

We felt comfortable around each other. People that know me know I'm an awkward, private person. With him, it just clicked. I felt like a goddess.

We had fusses and disagreements, but not many. We slept late; I took showers first because he liked to sleep as late as he could. I snored a little and woke him up, but he suffered patiently. He was silent and warm. I loved curling against him and pressing his hand to mine as he murmured in half-sleep.

He has a terrible job and no money. He needs to earn money to come live near me. He said, "I need a warmer climate, a better job, and a bed with you in it."

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