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2000-10-05��playing catsup.

Well, let's try to catch up on the last two days. In random order:

Last night J. Kristin Stultz called me to interview me for the Gwinnett Daily News for an article she's writing on Jump. It will be published Sunday. I think that's pretty cool.

Tuesday night, the gathering at Raging Burrito took place for we Atlanta Squishyites. I don't usually do things like that, and the fact that I felt compelled to might have something to do with the fact that one girl there who works at Atlanta Magazine gave me the name and # of someone there who might could get me a copyediting internship. It's fate! maybe. Hopefully.

Matt signed Olivia's guestbook. I e-mailed him to confirm it. He was kind of bitchy in his reply, so I apologized. Boy, you cannot even hint at criticism with him. Too bad, since my sense of humor/affection is based on poking fun at people I like.

The show is tomorrow and I have decided to take Greyhound. A lot of the people I would have gone with couldn't take me or weren't going this time. You can be sure I will make a point at least to Matt of my dropping $50 for the bus! I am still deciding whether or not to tell my parents that it's the bus. I probably will since I am bad at lying-- I forget and trap myself, like a bad sitcom. I think I will just not tell them the price. I will have to have someone pick me up at the MARTA station on Saturday morning so it's less suspicious if I just say that I am taking the bus. Thank God the Greyhound station is next to a MARTA station.

Mariana sent me two pictures by e-mail. I make no exaggeration when I say she is very beautiful. It's nice to finally see what she looks like.

Oh, I think that's about it. Everything's pretty boring as usual. I ought to tackle a real topic one of these days.

Oh yeah, just a little over a week until I take Julie to the Atlanta Jump show. Now THAT should be interesting.

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s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade