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2000-11-08��filler, more or less, but maybe more

I just want to put up a new entry because I am sick of looking at the election one and I bet you are too. I am sick of the whole deal. I'm not even going to say anything about Rebecca going ahead and saying something about the election in my guestbook when I expressly said not to bother... oops.

I should be working on my groupie paper right now. I have... let's see... oh, screw the math, it's about 2 now and I have to leave a little after 5:30 as usual. I have 2 of 5 pages completed. Next week I have to worry about how to present it. Hmmm.

Oh yes, I should add that one thing different about my diary that I think any reader should realize is that I don't feel especially compelled to look all cool in it. If I sound like an idiot a lot of the time, trust me, I'm aware of that possibility. I'll think back to stuff I have said and think, "Oh Lord." But I'm not ashamed of my thoughts and opinions, whether I still hold them or not. I am not writing this stuff to impress anyone. Besides, isn't there an old adage that says those with actual lives don't have time for diaries, anyway?

Oh yeah, if anyone cares, I spoke to Jennifer this morning and we reset the interview at 10:30 on Tuesday. Wooo. I hope I get this internship.

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j,lc // pink lemonade