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2001-03-24��more more more, how do you like your love?

I know why I don't like going to shows that aren't Jump (you're not Jump!) and it's because no one knows who the hell I am at those. At non-Jump shows, I just am some awkward timid butch girl with no sense of rhythm and a blank expression who people nudge out of the way and occasionally spill beer on. At Jump shows, I am all of those things, but people know me, and want to talk to me, and meet me. And sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name. Not to mention the music's better.

So you might think that's lame, but I defy you to resist preferring places where people like you to places where they don't know you exist. After having been ignored most of my life I don't relish relinquishing being recognized. Yay for alliteration.

I just got back from seeing Big Sky with Chris and Kip, and I absolutely reek of smoke like I was the one burning tobacco. Big Sky are talented and were fun to watch. The first opener was called Joe [something] Strings and they had a cute song about being a big nerd that I of course liked. The next band was from Decatur and was called Lithp. They had a song with the line "I wish you were my soulmate" and I liked that, so I bought the CD, and Chris and Kip were condescending to me about it, and turns out looking at the lyrics that in context it doesn't mean what I thought it did. But by itself it's a good lyric, don't you think? I do feel kind of stupid for having bought the CD, but sometimes I buy dumb things.

I slept in today and mostly downloaded songs off Napster. Well, a lot of it was comedy. I love me some comedy. "Fat guy in a little coat."

Tomorrow I am getting my hair cut and then Chris is going to look at monitors with me. I am a big nerd about that. I really want a new one. In case you can't tell from me mentioning it all the time.

My mother kept harassing me about using the computer to look up genealogic stuff. Here is a page that was created by our third half cousin, and our ancestral home is at the top. I let her use it while I was gone today, and she managed to screw up the top of the browser and I can't quite figure out how to fix it. Oh well.

Ah yes, the best Stones song. "You can't always get what you want." Once MST3K used lines from this and I about died. I love MST3K.

I have a headache from all the smoke and I'm tired so I ought to go to bed. I probably will. It's 3 A.M.

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j,lc // pink lemonade