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2001-04-03��mostly boring work stuff

I am proud of myself today even though it's not for that big of a reason. I had a lot of work to do and I did more of it than I thought I could. What I had to do was continue calling allll those restaurants to check if the information we had for them was correct. It's not that big of a deal, but there were a lot of listings and they needed to be done. And it's exasperating to call foreign restaurants where the phone-answerer doesn't speak English and you might not be getting the right answers, if the person you're talking to even knows what you're saying. I shouldn't complain; it was pretty easy. The other thing I had to do was work some more on my paper that I am turning in early because of the Jump show on Thursday, and miraculously I did that too; it involves a lot of padding. While I do like to avoid work, I have a strong conscience and I do enjoy getting things done that need to be completed.

Now I have a headache that is being exacerbated (one of my favorite words) by the terrible perfume of the woman next to me in the lab. I pray that this is not a sinus headache. I'm on antibiotics as a precaution.

Not much else to add except that the other intern is annoying. He's a sophomore at Emory and irritatingly lackadaisical (yes, I know I'm one to talk). We seem to make a point of not greeting each other or saying goodbye to each other. He wears denim overalls far more often than he should and for the longest time he would call people saying he was from "the Atlanta magazine" until I couldn't take it anymore and corrected him in a nicey-nice passive-aggressive way, but at least he quit doing it.

I would love to be the sort of person who consistently says what needs to be said, and well. The way it is now, I end up either blurting it out far too bluntly and non-specifically or passively-aggressively mentioning it in a frustrating, roundabout manner. It's either one or the other a lot of the time. My mother always calls the latter habit "acting like Suzanne" because Suzanne, her friend (whom Evan apparently resembles strongly) would hint at things instead of coming out and asking for them, apparently because her mother was very dominating; like, if she was hot, she would say something like "Gosh, it sure is hot in here," instead of "Can you turn on the air conditioning please?" I just do that because I don't like to get yelled at or refused.

There's some passive-aggressive joke like "My roommate said I was passive-agressive, so I killed him in his sleep."

I hope I get my Sleater-Kinney bracelet either today or tomorrow. With my luck, watch it get here Thursday. :)

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