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2001-08-16��j,lc @ uga.

Sweet! This place called Shop'n Chek called in response to my sending them my resume, and I have an interview with them tomorrow at 10. They pay $12/hr and have medical and dental coverage after 90 days. They're very near my dad's office. I think I mentioned them in LiveJournal, but I can't remember if I ever did here. Anyway, I'll write about the interview tomorrow afternoon, I guess.

You know, we joke about a certain band making us crazy, but sometimes it's very nearly true....

Kim S. came to get me on Monday afternoon and we made our way to Athens without any trouble. We found the venue after a while, and decided to buy tickets for four, before going to join Erin and Melissa at Wild Wing. So we waited half an hour, but it turned out it was only one ticket per person. So we went downtown to Wild Wings after calling Erin to let them know. Once we got to the restaurant, who should we see but Erin and Melissa. So, we all sat down while Kim and I ate, even though it took a long-ass while because the waitress apparently forgot about us at one point. But anyway, then we walked back to campus and to the field, and had no trouble getting in. We found a place to stand (there weren't many people there yet) and got water from concessions, etc. After I got some popcorn I met Betsy and Mary (I think that was her name) when they came up to me and told me how much they liked my site. I have groupies too, you know.

At one point while it was still light I noticed some girls at the front of the stage who were turned around to face the fence that seperated the field from the pool, and were hopping up and down and squealing excitedly to each other. Turns out they were looking at Evan, who had gotten kind of mobbed by similar girls. Erin and I were astonished. It's Evan, not the Beatles! Damn! We thought of going over to him and shrieking "Oh my God, are you in Jump, Little Children?? You're the best drummer ever!" and then running away, but it was definitely one of those things that sounds hilarious theoretically but is bound to get screwed up if you actually do it.

Restroom trips are important. On one trip, I saw Loni and Kim, and of course even though I'd just met Kim it felt as if I'd known her for a long while. While Jump were setting up, I went to the restroom and the only people in there were Lauren (Matt's girlfriend) and her friend, at the mirror getting ready. I didn't make eye contact or say anything because I figured she wouldn't remember me and would be like, "Who's this freak?" After I had used the facilities and washed my hands, and was on my way out, she saw me and said "Anne!" and we hugged. "How are you?" she asked. "I talk about you all the time," she added after introducing me to her friend. We talked for about 15 minutes, I guess, because Jump was already playing their opener, "Vertigo," when I left. We talked about the shitty job market, and she and her friend suggested I move to NYC eventually. Speaking of, she and her friend had driven from there so she could see Matt, and she hadn't slept in 48 hours! She still looked beautiful, though, of course.

So. The show was... real interesting. I was surrounded by Jaygirls but we were all having cognitive difficulties after he took his shirt off, right before "The Singer" no less, so that he was basically moaning, shirtless, in the wet air, for four minutes. They hate us so much, y'all. We had to hold hands for emotional support during "My Guitar." However, I don't mind telling you it was nearly my undoing when Matt and Ward nearly touched tongues. Megan says that Matt made a face, but hey, if I didn't see it, I don't have to believe it. hahaha. *ahem*

I hope Erin and Megan and I weren't being too loud and obnoxious. We were in a world of our own during the show and had a really good time. Megan and I determinedly waltzed all the way through "Matchbox Whistler."

After the show, we half-seriously ranted about frustrations and were all moved out to the parking lot by security, because they had to "secure the field." I was tired and achy and basically hung around waiting and observing. I hate waiting and being forgotten about. But Jonny didn't forget about me for some reason; he came up to me and said hi and we had a mini-conversation about my Kick Me Kate shirt. I don't know what it is exactly, but in 42 shows I have never had one of those band-member conversations that I see other people have all the time, where you have an involved talk about, say, pipe cleaners and frustrate all the people waiting to talk. I think it's just that I'm not agressive enough and I don't have competent enough conversational skills to talk to people that, for all I jibe at them, I still respect and whom intimidate me (wow, just try to diagram this sentence, huh?). I also get way too aware of the people waiting, plus the bitches interrupt me.

You would not believe how much shy people want to be showered with attention sometimes. *cue Guster song*

Well, my neuroses aside -- oh wait, more about my neuroses, actually. I know this sounds totally delusional and self-centered, but I swear, whenever I'm on the Jay-Jonny end for a show, Ward will barely talk to me after the show. I should experiment and see if this is really true. It's funny, even if I'm just seeing coincidence. But yeah, so, I had to intercept him at the last minute to get a hug, and after the usual brief pleasantries he hugged Erin.

Sometimes, it's like God is Nelson Muntz from "The Simpsons," looking down at you and saying "HA ha!"

I was supposed to have my harmonica lesson on Wednesday, but Matt called from Manashi's that afternoon and said that he had to go see about his father. His father died this morning. At least his suffering is over. I wish I could do something, but I can't. One thing that kind of news does is remind you about what's important.

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s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade