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2001-11-11��weekends are for sleeping and shopping

Okay, time for my weekly update, I guess. However, I have been updating my LiveJournal often this past week, and there are links there to Whatever-dude.com's hilarious articles, T-Shirt Hell, which features a shirt that says "Talk Nerdy to Me" (and yes I DID buy it, on a pastel pink babydoll no less), and the wonderful and sexy movie "Valmont."

I think I've been losing weight lately, and ain't that a bitch because that's one thing I really don't need to be doing. I just came across Ensure Plus when Megan and I were IMing and I looked up the Ensure site, and I think I'm going to have to start drinking it, because in the product description it says stuff about being for people who don't or can't eat enough, and who need calories. Especially people undergoing chemo and the like. It better taste good.

So right now I have a headache but I think it's dying down. I went to Northlake Mall today to see the Old Navy there, and then I went to Target. I love those stores. I had not been to either of these locations, the Target being new, and they were quite satisfactory. I am nuts about Old Navy, Gawd help me. I love that they could easily charge $30 for that sweater, and it's $19.50. That pack of panties could be $12, but it's $7.50. Et cetera. I love their pajama bottoms. At Target I bought another damn meditation book, this one being very well-written and answering some questions I have not seen addressed in the others. Here it is. It's called The Meditation Year and it's by Jane Hope. I always think it's weird to see books about Eastern religion and whatnot at places like Target. It seems fake and yuppie-ish. I generally distrust books about spirituality because they seem contrived and exploitative. Like those terrible Chicken Soup books. I think The Onion had it right with their Chicken Soup for the Publisher's Bank Account. Call me Zen but I think you've already got just about all you need for spirituality inside your own brain.

Another little thing I've done this week is create a new feature called "Tea Time with Matt" on my site. It seems to be a hit.

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j,lc // pink lemonade