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2002-03-20��i meditated. i bought things. i was lazy.

So I said in the other place that I'd update after I rested my eyes, so of course I took a nap for 45 minutes. Earlier today, since work let me go home early (they want to have some people there on Friday without going into overtime) I got to meditate for about 25 minutes or so while it rained outside. That was nice. I really need to get into a habit of that. But I can't force myself into it, so it's tricky. I want to do it when I first wake up, but that would require waking up early, and then worrying about getting ready, and blah blah anxietycakes, so I'm essentially just doing it when my parents aren't home.

I got new glasses! They look like these only in black. They are Anne Kleins, though. So I look like an amalgam of Tina Fey, Evan Bivins and Rivers Cuomo.

Other than that, I bought some clothes (including Gap jeans that I love; hey when they have size 4 longs available that look good, I get 'em) and some books from Amazon (including the new Mike Nelson one, woo!). I spend too much. It's so Sagittarian. But I was glad to find James Lileks' book, The Gallery of Regrettable Food, at Target. He likes that store a lot, and I knew he'd be amused so I wrote him about it, and he was like, Yeah.

I also did some rewriting. There's been a slight alteration in allegiance. Stay tuned; it's a fascinating development.

I notice that in the months since I've gotten this job, I haven't been calling people or writing e-mails or Diaryland entries as often. LiveJournal, yes, because it's quicker. I just am too tired to really write anything of substance. Judging from old IMs I've saved, even the quality of my IMing has dropped. I haven't been reading the newspaper, and I barely find the time to read books (I'm only two-thirds of the way through The Two Towers). Time for sleeping even seems scarce, and I work about 40 hours a week so it's not unusual. It's not even that hard of a job or anything. Eh well.

Next weekend, Jump is going to be on CNN! Yes, it's true. On the 29th, from 6 to 9 p.m., looks like. Both J.C. and CNN don't really seem to know what will be going on. But I have a friend who works there :-D I have mixed feelings about them being on CNN. First of all, it's fucking weird. It sounds like a dream someone had. Because it will be during a Final Four special, of all things. Because when I think of college basketball, I think of Jump, Little Children.

But y'all have to watch, okay?

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j,lc // pink lemonade