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2002-04-25��who is it? it's matt

Home sick again today. Yesterday I saw my ear, nose and throat doctor. Antibiotics, woo. I feel pretty good but I still have a cough and occasional fever.

Strange but I am just fine with having "missed" the Athens show last night. And for that I have Alexander Graham Bell to thank, and the various developers of the cellular telephone. And of key importance were certain friends of mine in attendance.

Also the show was really short and not much special setlist-wise; I think it hit its peak with the National Anthem opener. I expect a lot from Athens shows after all the ones I've been to, so when it was over at 1:15 I was surprised. Eh, it was a Wednesday after all. I really did almost fall asleep during "Cathedrals" so it was just like being there. I even did moon arms and rock hand and clapped. Quietly.

Ward reassured me that I can get hooked up for the $12.50 I lost out on. I talked longer to Matt than I do in person. We were giggly. Driving for 8 hours apparently wins over working at 8 every day. Right.

The Kevyn Aucoin makeover show is on VH1. I had to put it on mute because he has a terrible voice.

If my dad comes home for lunch I will probably go to work. I feel kinda bad about being out. On the other hand, waaaaah, I wanna stay home! But my dad is annoyed at me for not going today. He thinks it's because I was up last night. Actually that was not a problem. My dad gets cranky when he's sick because he doesn't get sick often.

I am bored.

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s-k little babies
j,lc // pink lemonade